
Royal Geographical Society-IBG 2025 Gilchrist Fieldwork Award Call for Application (Awarding up to £15,000)

Royal Geographical Society-IBG 2025 Gilchrist Fieldwork Award Call for Application (Awarding up to £15,000)

The Gilchrist Educational Trust offers an award to support original and challenging overseas fieldwork carried out by small teams of university academics and other researchers.

The Gilchrist Fieldwork Award, of the Gilchrist Educational Trust, was first awarded in 1990. It is entirely owned, funded and awarded by the Trust, but operationally administered for a fee by the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).


About Royal Geographical Society

The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) is the UK's learned society and professional body for geography, founded in 1830 for the advancement of geographical sciences. Today, it is the leading centre for geographers and geographical learning. The Society has over 16,500 members and its work reaches millions of people each year through publications, research groups and lectures.... continue reading

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Royal Geographical Society Gilchrist Fieldwork Award

Application Deadline23 Nov 2024
Country to studyUnited Kingdom
Course to studyView courses
SponsorRoyal Geographical Society
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Royal Geographical Society Gilchrist Fieldwork Award

The Gilchrist Educational Trust offers an award of £15,000 to support original and challenging overseas fieldwork carried out by small teams of university academics and other researchers.

Royal Geographical Society Gilchrist Fieldwork Award Courses

Requirements for Royal Geographical Society Gilchrist Fieldwork Award Qualification

  • Applications from geographers, ecologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, earth and environmental scientists, and researchers from related fields are all strongly encouraged.

  • The award is open to established researchers.

  • Applicants must hold a PhD at time of application and be based in a UK Higher Education Institution or equivalent research establishment.

Interview date, Process and Venue for Royal Geographical Society Gilchrist Fieldwork Award

  • The award, now annual, is given to a team of researchers with an outstanding proposal for research to advance geographical knowledge, that requires significant, challenging overseas fieldwork.

  • The award should support a single field session of high-quality research and data collection.

  • There should be strong links and collaborations with local agencies and communities. Local benefits should be demonstrated in applications.

Application Deadline

November 23, 2024

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to Royal Geographical Society on to apply

All prospective grant applicants are encouraged to read our Advice and Resources pages, which include more information about the grants programme, its conditions, how to apply for a grant and what is expected if your application is successful. Please read this information carefully and send your application, or any enquiries, by email to [email protected]

For more details visit: RGS website.

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